Good Evening, Fellow Citizens and Patriots!

Welcome to the one and only journal on the Internet that tells of the monumental events in our nation's history... in real time. Yes, you heard me right. This is the one and only Edmund Randolph, reporting live from the Constitutional Convention, the Senate floor and Washington's cabinet meetings. Read the juiciest of juicy political gossip, from the Assumption Plan to Hamilton's extramarital affair! Scandalous! As if it couldn't get even better, it's all firsthand, from history's most talkative witness. Please enjoy!
"And then Franklin smote the ground and up rose George Washington, fully dressed and astride a horse! Then the three of them, Franklin, Washington and the HORSE, proceeded to win the entire revolution single handley!"
- John Adams

The Kaleidoscope

Welcome to our Kaleidoscope page, where you may find interesting and unique bits and pieces of information, such as videos, recipes, songs (most definitely not sung by me), and so much more! Like a kaleidoscope, you never know what's going to happen next...

Like Toyota, we're always looking for continuous improvement and moved our recipes to another page entitled Sponge Cake and Marmalade. Please be sure to visit that, as we will be adding something new each week. In addition, if you have any of your own colonial recipes, please do add send them to me at (Elizabeth won't tell me anything!).

What's a Nine Man Morris to Do?
Yes, you have Monopoly, Scrabble, Hula-Hoops, and footballs, but what do they teach you? How to become a greedy fool who likes to seize up the boardwalks and the resorts? Just how to hit your mother square in the nose? Maybe, but we like a bit of strategy, so we turn to old man Morris for a bit of fun in deceiving our friends/foes. This game can still be found on tables all around America and several other nations as a household favorite for the whole family. 
It's called Nine Man Morris.


Use nine pennies, nine nickels, and a drawing like this.  Two players are needed to play the game.  Each player decides on using pennies or nickels.  Begin by taking turns placing one coin on one of the dots.  The goal is to line up three pieces in a row while blocking the opponent from doing the same.  Capture one of the opponent's pieces whenever a line of three is completed.  When a player is down to two pieces, the other player wins.

Bring it on, Hamilton! 
Coke & Mentos: The Legend Lives
As you may have read, I was celebrating our independence with some sticky fireworks (that did NOT go over well with the Boss), and so I decided I ought to share some of the greats who have pursued this trick with great ingenuity and bravery:

P.S. So sorry for the out-of-proportion quality of this video. At least you will be able to see some of the most intense and important parts.