July 23rd, 1787, Night, 8:45: Rejoice! A compromise has been made! It shall go down in history as the Great Compromise! Just today, it was settled, after a heated debate discussing representation and the method by which slaves are to be counted for purposes of taxation and representation. Regarding the two plans aforementioned in this blog, we have agreed upon the following:
1. Direct taxation will depend upon representation.
2. Upon the subject of representation, the Senate shall have one vote per delegate, the delegates being chosen by the state legislatures and the lower house’ representation will depend upon the free population of the states. The Senate will be in favor of the smaller states. Thus, there will be equal representation with each state having two votes.
3. This lower house will have power to make bills for raising or spending money.
This suits well for large and small states alike, and it goes well with me. It respects our wishes by having a proportionally represented house, and the candidates will be nominated and elected by the people. This will be a true show of democracy in a republic. This compromise will also bring down the deadlock between the large and small states. The next step in this process will be to draft the actual document. A Committe of Detail has been appointed to do so. On this committee sits Mr. Gorham, Mr. Rutledge, myself, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Ellsworth, one of the proposers of the compromise. The other delegates have gotten a ten-day vacation, much to my dismay.
But the merciless sun and the pesky bugs are little more than mere nuisances. They will not be able to destroy our joy at this compromise. We are steadily on the way to becoming a glorious nation. As much I wish I had a ten-day vacation as well, this new Constitution is of the essence.
Oh bother, the clock has broken! And I am no virtuoso at rewinding clocks.
(If you were wondering, that's Mr. Ellsworth in the painting.)
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